Branding to us is a multidisciplinary activity and at Knock that covers five areas. These five areas are joined by a thread that, like in all good magic tricks, is invisible to the viewer.


Research —
Brand consulting —
Benchmark and consumer analysis —
Insights —
Communication territories —
Positioning —
Brand architecture —


Today, brands form part of democratic ecosystems. Brand positioning can no longer be a frivolous choice imposed upon the public. At Knock, we investigate, decipher and get to grips with these ecosystems to develop communication strategies and territories from which we can tune into the audiences.


A brand that defines its own personality, beliefs, voice and behaviour is a brand that knows how to colour each of its expressions. We establish dialogues with consumers through brand proposals that include them and inspire them.

— Naming
— Claim
— Brand voice
— Cultura de marca
— Manifesto
— Storytelling
— Concepto visual
Corporate image —
Design —
Art direction —
Brand expression framework —
Advertising —
Branded content —


If a brand says any old thing, it becomes any old brand. At Knock, we are strong believers that there should be reason behind everything we say and do. Through meaning, we design brand expressions that reflect the brand’s very essence and are applied accordance with its values and objectives.


New forms of communication are no longer as new as they once were. Non-invasive communication involves understanding what audiences expect from the brand and accepting that digital expression must, above all, merge with and adapt to the interests and beliefs of consumers.

— Web design
— Digital experience
— Activation
— Display and traffic
— Digital content
— Presence in market places
— E-commerce
Retail —
Corporate interior design —
Fly loft —
Shop-in-shop —
Point of interaction —


Los espacios físicos son cajas escénicas en las que las marcas actúan para su público. En Knock desplegamos el branding en proyectos de retail e interiorismo corporativo pensando en el modelo de negocio y la experiencia del consumidor.


David Isern
Senior Account Manager
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More than 25 years of experience in advertising at JWT, D'ARCY, TBWA and HC-HEALTHCOM. Brand communication management.

Bérénice Gohel
Graphic designer / Motion designer
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Graduated in Motion Design and Graphic Design at Gobelins, Paris.

Montse Pena
Graphic Designer / Art Director
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Master's Degree in Graphic Design at BAU.

Daniel Azevedo
Graphic designer intern
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Studying graphic design at EAA - La Chaux-de-Fonds.

Alex Barredo
Creative copywriter
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Master in Creative Writing at the Barcelona School of Creativity and Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations.

Elena Fernández
Account Executive
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Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona.

Martí Bru
Graphic Designer
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Graduated in 3D, VFX and Master in Graphic Design at Elisava.

Màrius Sala
Partner/Head of Design
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Branding & retail. 30 years of experience in his own studio and teaching at some of Barcelona’s leading design schools, including Elisava, the College of Arts & Design Barcelona (BAU) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

Marc Vila
Partner/Creative Director
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More than 20 years of experience at the agencies BBDO, Y&R and DDB. Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations.

Juanra Alfaro
Partner/Head of Art Direction
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Elisava Graphic Design. More than 25 years of experience at Ruiz + Company and Tandem DDB.

Ana Reventós
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Branding, marketing and communication. More than 20 years’ experience, above all in the tourism and culture industries. DDB and other agencies.

Joan Minguella
Graphic Production
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Expert in printing: digital printing, signage, lettering, mounting, offset printing, and screen printing. Graphic solutions.